Bring on 2014!

by - Friday, January 03, 2014

It's a new year and a new you... scrap that, why do you need to change? Why not change the environment around you instead? Go buy some new bedding, some nice pillows, some new lights, a new rug or a new mug for your cup of tea/coffee/hot chocolate.

Every girl and boy needs a change once in a while - spice up your environment and spice up your life! I recently bought some roses for my room but failed to maintain them so opted for some Ikea ones instead. Not only has this made my room look more lively but it adds a bit of colour also! If you're like me and you still live with your parents in a house that they rent which means the only thing you can do to the walls is put up pictures then any small hint of colour makes a huge difference!

Now I'm not saying to go our right now and buy everything that catches your eye - I've done that and ended up with so much stuff I had no idea what to do with it was awful! Instead make a plan, decide what you want to add or change, do some research and then go hunting. My all time favourite place to hunt for ideas are home magazines - everything is done up (way too) perfect but you can always grab a few ideas and put them import them into your place and you can always find them at a cheaper price too (did someone say Ikea?)!

In Australia I have a few favourite places to look around for home wares - Bed, Bath N Table, Ikea (of course) and Adairs. Though if I had the money to afford the products and the postage I would spend all my time on H&M (though I already do - looking at all the home layouts!).

So what are you waiting for? A new rug or bedding can make a big difference to not only your bedroom but also your life! Brighten up a room and brighten up your life!

Until next time, Emily xoxo

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