The Chop

by - Thursday, January 09, 2014

We all do it sometime in our life - we have a moment where we just need a change and decide that having a dramatic hair cut will fix everything. Now, I'm not saying that it doesn't - the first time I did 'the chop' I felt so much happier - I felt brand new and that I had a lot more confident with myself. But about 2 months ago I decided to go for the chop again and well, lets just say that I'm not too happy. So here are my steps to know whether or not you are ready for 'the chop':

1. Understand that once the hair is gone... it's gone! 
I know hair grows back, but if you are going from super long hair to a new style that just sits on your shoulders, it's not all going to grow back in one day. I know you are probably sitting there saying that you know this, but some people just aren't prepared for it, especially if they have had long hair for a very long time. You don't realise how long it takes for hair to grow until you cut a substantial bit off.

2. Look around for inspiration. 
Please don't just go into your hairdresser and say 'cut my hair to here' pointing somewhere on your body. Know exactly what you want your hair to look like when you come out. I looked around for a few weeks before I did my first chop and I was so happy I did. Think about whether you want a bob, or shoulder length or something a bit longer and then go hunting around - look at books, celebrities, google and even people you walk by one the street.

3. Know what your hair is like. 
If you have curly/wavy hair like mine you should know that it will always spring up a few millimetres. So what should of been a cut on your shoulders, is now a cut which sits off them. If you are going to a new salon make sure you let them know what your hair is like. When mine is wet it goes dead straight and is a lot longer than it is when it is dry.

4. Be prepared. 
Much like step 1, you need to understand what you are actually going to do. My mum practically cried when I got my hair cut the first time. It was down to my bum and then was touching my shoulders. If you find yourself in the salon unsure if you want to do 'the chop' or not, don't do it! Just have a touch up this time and do a bit more research when you get home to see if you really want to get your hair cut short - you may soon find that you never really wanted to get it done in the first place. Just because 'short hair is in' doesn't mean you need to have it.

So there. Those are my steps. I know most of you may already go through these before you even make a hair salon appointment but I hope either way that they will help you for the next time you are contemplating how your next 'do' will look like. 

Until next time, Emily xoxo

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