RPR My Argan Oil Elixir

by - Monday, October 14, 2013

As some of you may know, last week I went on a shopping spree and bought a new hair care pack by RPR which included the My Argan Oil Elixir. I've been using it for a couple of days now and it's really helped my hair be less frizzy, more controlled and a lot softer.

I was told to spray some on the ends after I had towel dried my hair and then spray some more on once my hair was dry. After spraying it on I brush through my hair, slowly working my way to the top of my head, with my fingers which I've been told helps stimulate your natural hair oils.
Things I've noticed since using the Elixir are that my curls are not more pronounced, my hair is softer and it is less frizzy - which are the actual benefits from using the Elixir! This is the first where a hair care product has actually done its job on my hair! I'll definitely be using this from now on and hopefully when I start using the RPR shampoo and conditioner that also came in the pack my hair will become more tamed (finally). What products do you use to control your hair?

Until next time, Emily xoxo

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