Bomb Cosmetics Rose Bath Creamer

by - Sunday, October 13, 2013

Today I came home to a rather lovely surprise - my mum had bought me more Bomb Cosmetics products which only means that I now have an excuse to have a bath! She had purchased three bath creamer, very similar to the Bath Buttercup that I tried last week.

From the three that she got me I decided to try the Rose Bath Creamer first as the thought of having petals in my bath sounded heavenly (and it was!). The thing I noticed first was of course the smell which was a combination of rose and jasmine - however the scent doesn't seem to have lingered in my bathroom like the Buttercup did (lasted nearly 5days). After the creamer had finished sizzling away and all the petals were scattered around the bath, I got in, and it was lovely - my skin was instantly smoothed. It wasn't like the Buttercup where it happened straight away and lasted for the whole bath, it seemed to slowly creep into my skin, taking its time to moisturise which I found really nice as this gave me time to relax.

I can't really choose between the two as both products were really nice and left my skin feeling soft and refreshed. I would say however, if you were looking for a quick fix go with the Melt as it didn't take as much time to dissolve into the water. But it you want a bath full of silky smoothness from start to finish and a scent that will last for a few days after, go with the Buttercup.

If you had a choice which would you use?

Until next time, Emily xoxo

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