Shellac Nails

by - Thursday, October 10, 2013

I love painting my nails but once the polish is on I am always too lazy to ever take it off. Which is why I have gone to a 'spa' and got them done. I decided to try out the Shellac as so many of my friends have used it and said that it did wonders for their nails and as mine always break I thought, why not?
While getting my nails done I said to the lovely lady doing them that they always seem to break and she told me that my nails are very frail but that the Shellac would help with this.

As I am a very pale person (thank you British skin!) I opted for a nice pink/peach colour (I think this is Iced Coral but there are so many similar pinks its hard to tell) because dark colours always seem to look awkward on my fingers. So far I am loving it, my nails look really nice and shiny and with the fact that the polish lasts for up to two weeks I don't have to worry about them cracking, chipping or peeling like with regular polish.

What do you do with your nails, are you a manicure gal? A do-it yourself lady? What colours do you like on your nails?

Until next time, Emily xoxo

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