Bomb Cosmetics Bath Blaster

by - Saturday, October 05, 2013

I love being able to have a bath, soak in the water and just relax so, on the weekend I purchased a Bomb Cosmetic Bath Blaster. I've never used a bath blaster or bath bomb before so here was my experience.

I purchased the Rosehipster Bath Blaster and it smelt so nice! Just like fresh roses and a hint of mint. Plus it looked just like a cupcake with mint icing, and how doesn't love cupcakes?

As I'd never used one of these before I placed it in the bath after filling up the tub... which meant that I had to sit around and wait for it to fizzle into nothing. I did get to appreciate the rosy aroma which still lingers in my bathroom (next time it will go in while the bath is filling). So after waiting about 10min I just decided to get in even though a small amount was still fizzing away and the pink flower was still intact - this didn't affect anything and the next time I looked for the blaster it was gone.

Now, I've used heaps of bath products to help make your skin silky soft but never before has anything worked as well as this! The water was so nice and smooth and just touching my arm I could already feel how soft my skin was going. Even now my skin is still soft!

I will definitely be trying more of these bath blasters out! Have you tried one? Which one is your favourite?

Until next time, Emily xoxo

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