Topshop/RPR Haul

by - Monday, September 30, 2013

So yesterday (Sunday) I cleared out my wardrobe of all the clothes I no longer wear/don't like, which meant that today was time for a shopping spree which ended up being a Topshop spree. If you don't already know I am a huge Topshop fan to the point where most of my clothes are Topshop (sorry not sorry).

Here is what I bought:

3 shirts and an orange singlet.
The pink/orange shirt has small see-through flowers all over it which is why I bought the orange singlet.
In the middle is a plain off-white shirt.
On the right is a blue shirt with a lace over the top. Underneath on the front it is lined but the back is open.

I also went and got a new shampoo and conditioner for my hair as I have been meaning to try this new brand for a while. It's RPR and I have got the Fix My Frizz as my hair does tend to go very frizzy in warmer temperatures. I got the pack as it was slightly cheaper than getting the shampoo and conditioner so I also got a brush and an Argon Oil which is supposed to help with frizz also. (Have any of you tried it?)

Also while in the hair store I became an experiment for the new curling machine they had in store - the Miracurl Styler by Rusk. Now this curler machine is awesome! You take a small strand of your hair, as you would with normal curlers, and then half way up the strand you clamp on the Miracurl. It then sucks up you hair and curls it for you, holding it for a few seconds and then beeping to let you know it is done and ready to be released. It was so quick and easy but sadly I did not have enough money to purchase so instead here is what my hair looked like after being curled by the Miracurl. (please excuse my facial expression, no idea what face I'm making)

Until next time, Emily xoxo

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