Australian Ballet: Cinderella

by - Monday, September 30, 2013

To say I was excited about this performance was an understatement. I had heard from so many people that the costumes for Cinderella 'were amazing' and 'so pretty' so of course that was the first thing I wanted to see. To be honest, they weren't just amazing and pretty they were absolutely dazzling (yes I just used that word) and fitted each character beautifully. The prince in white, Cinderella in gold, the sisters in pink and purple... *sigh*

Anyway back to the actual performance... Wow!

It was a contemporary take on the fairy tale of Cinderella but stuck to the original tale quite well. The main part that struck me as 'different' was that instead of mice taking Cinderella to the ball... it was the universe (planets, stars, comets) and it was weird and quirky but worked so well! It seemed like the universe wanted Cinderella and the Prince to meet and fall in love and well... you know the rest.

The highlight of the show would have to have been the ugly step sisters, whose performance was brilliantly funny and had everyone in the theatre laughing. The costumes and hilariously awkward dance moves just added to the hilarity.

It was the last night that the ballet was performed in Melbourne but I so wish it was coming back soon! Would definitely recommend this to anyone who loves the ballet or the tale of Cinderella.

Until next time, Emily xoxo

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