WOW by Romy Body Lotion

by - Wednesday, June 04, 2014

When purchasing a body lotion you really want something that nourishes your skin and leaves you feeling silky soft for at least a day. WOW by Romy did exactly that for me, my skin was so soft for just about 24hours! As a limited edition body lotion I was quite impressed however I did have some problems with the product which I'll talk about throughout this post.

Firstly, as I said before, it nourishes the skin and leaves you feeling silky smooth. It is slightly oily when on the skin but is quickly absorbed so you can get dressed very quickly after applying. I liked this as many other products I have used have been so oily my clothes have then stuck to my skin and gotten greasy - not a nice feeling. The lotion kept my skin hydrated for approximately a day which was great too as my skin does tend to dry out very quickly. 

The scent is nice - the mandarin and lime work so well together leaving you with a fruity scent that lingers lightly on the skin for about an hour. However, though I did like it I often found it very overpowering when applying it. What was a lovely fruity scent soon became very strong and acidic which led to me using very small amounts of the lotion at any time.

Now comes my real pain - the bottle. Why on earth they put a moisturiser in a bottle that you can't even squeeze is beyond me. I struggled so many times trying to get the lotion out, especially after I had it on my hands and fingers. The amount of times I nearly broke my nails from the bottle slipping around in my hands and the amount of times I dropped it on the floor are innumerable! It actually got to the point where I absolutely despised using the bottle, especially when it got towards the last of its use.

But, with all the bad things WOW by Romy Body Lotion did its purpose. It nourished and hydrated my skin for a very long time and that I am grateful for. The other aspects not so much. Maybe sometime in the future I'll try some more their products and hope they come in a much nicer and easier to use bottle!

Until next time, Emily xoxo

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