Avon Mega Effects Mascara

by - Wednesday, May 28, 2014

This mascara excited me way too much. Not only was the brush huge and amazing but the actual product was great too. However, sadly this product will stay on the shelf in my bathroom but I'll explain the reason why later.

The brush for this mascara is amazing, it covers every single lash perfectly and with one flick you are just about ready to hit the town. With an adjustable handle you can literally get the brush into any corner lash no matter how small it is. Plus, the adjustable handle lets you choose the most comfortable position to hold the product. Say goodbye to applying mascara in the most awkward and uncomfortable positions!

For a mascara it did its job perfectly - heaps of volume and dark luscious lashes. It really helped to bring out the blue colour of my eyes against my fair skin. With one swish of the wand the mascara was applied and I was almost ready to go. I say almost because this is where my problems started to arise.

I'm not a fan of applying heaps of mascara at once and this product was an A grade student of doing exactly that. Due to the mascara being very watery (it did dry super quick) I found that I had to make sure not to blink for a few seconds otherwise the skin around my eyes was covered in black. However, once it was dry - which took literally a couple of seconds - it was fine. But then, after a few hours of wearing the products another problem arose.

I wear contacts so even the tiniest bit of dust is an instant irritation and can leave me tearing for ages. Not fun at all. I always try to use mascara's that I've heard aren't clumpy and don't have bits falling off the lashes during the day. This mascara ticked all the boxes but sadly clumps did tend to fall into my eyes and left me teary eyed, runny nose and blotchy faced all day. Not a look a like to wear.

However, don't let this deter you from using it. I'm a contacts wearer and this problem may only be for me. To be honest, I'm actually sad I can't use this product as it's so great at achieving effortless dark, curled lashes. If you're looking for a product that is easy to apply, gives you volume and luscious lashes then this is for you! But, if you wear contacts like me, maybe try something that doesn't clump as much.

Until next time, Emily xoxo

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