Clinique All About Eyes Serum

by - Wednesday, February 11, 2015

There are plenty of eye creams out there which offer a range of solutions. The Clinique All About Eyes Serum is a roll-on de-puffing eye massage and it does the job pretty well.

I've always had a soft spot for Clinique products, probably because they were the first products that actually helped my skin instead of making it worse. I did like this eye serum but at the same time I found it slightly annoying.

It was great at doing its job of de-puffing the eye area and I quickly noticed that my eyes no longer looked tired and droopy. However, this was partly due to the eye serum having a glue effect. After applying the serum the eye area was sticky and sometimes took a little longer than I would have liked to dry - this can be annoying when you are running on a tight schedule in the mornings.

Once dried the serum was like a glue, it sets the puffy areas of your eyes into place and usually loosens off towards the end of the day. For the first day or so I found it strange but not uncomfortable but soon enough I took no notice.

For this reason I wasn't a particular fan, other eye serums and creams I have tried have never had this effect and are usually more like a moisturiser than a gluey preventative. For now I think I'll be staying away from this particular product but maybe, sometime in the future it may come in handy some more.

Until next time, Emily xoxo

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