RPR Do Organics Rescue Treatment*

by - Sunday, April 20, 2014

I've never used a hair mask or treatment before - apart from an Argan Oil - so I was going into this product blind. However, after about 3 weeks of using it I love it. I haven't seen a dramatic change to my hair as I try to keep it as healthy as possible but I have definitely seen some changes.

Firstly, my hair is so silky and soft. After the first time using this I didn't realise just how dry my hair was getting. I don't usually blow dry my hair, preferring to let it air dry. But I found a significant difference and my hair was literally licking up the product in celebration. I've been using it once a day on either wet or dry hair and my hair has been loving it so much. Plus, the frizz is being tamed! I've found that now that my hair isn't as dry, the frizz has decreased a lot. It's so nice being able to put my hair up and not worry about the hundreds of strands falling all over the place.

I've found also that my hair is a tad more shiny. Sure the Argan Oil gave my hair shine but it definitely didn't last as long as the treatment. I actually left the house a few times just having my hair brushed and nothing else due to it being so healthy and smooth and no a hint of frizz anywhere. It was so nice letting my hair down without doing anything to it. (Though if I do this more often I need to remember to take some hair ties with me!)

Plus there are so many other hidden benefits from this product, that I am tempted to just keep using it forever. UV Protection is the main hidden benefit that I love, having fair skin and light blonde hair I want a product that can help in the best of ways. So something that helps against sun damage is great! Although the weather in Melbourne has been all over the place lately (did we even get a summer?!) I feel like the treatment still helped against any damage that could of happened. It's also got heat and thermal protection so I haven't been using my Argan Oil as much due to that being the main factor of purchasing the Oil.

I've also noticed that on those rare occasions I do blow dry my hair (if I'm going out somewhere nice or have a shower really late at night) I haven't been spending as much time on it. I like this because my hair is thick and heavy so I really hate having to hold a hairdryer for too long. From what used to take me 30min to blow dry now only takes me 15-20min at the most. This leaves me more time to get dressed and figure out what style I want to do with my hair instead of just throwing it up into the normal ponytail! (and my arm doesn't get tired either)

Best of all though, all the ingredients are organic! Jojoba, olive, avocado, fig and of course the most important, keratin. So you don't have to stress about sulphates, paragons, dioxane and any artificial colours that could be bad for your hair because well, there aren't any! There's also no animal testing so this product can join the good for the environment pile on your tables too.

I've been using about 3 pumps each time I use the product and I haven't found that it's too much or too little. Then massaging it into my hair from the ends up is quick and easy too and it doesn't need to be washed out like so many other treatments I've read about. It's such an easy product to use and you reap the benefits from it so quickly that you definitely won't regret buying it. The only thing I don't like is the colour of the bottle, I wish it was just a little bit more see through so I could tell when I was nearly out and due to buy some more!

Until next time, Emily xoxo

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