Clinique 7 Day Scrub Cream

by - Monday, April 28, 2014

I've been using this cream for a couple of months now and I've noticed such a difference in my skin that I wouldn't dream of ever throwing it away. I use this in the shower as I really don't want heaps of face products all over my bathroom side, but it can be used out of the shower also.

After trying many different scrubs as a teen I found that they were always too harsh for my skin and made breakouts happen a lot more often (not good) and also left my face red and sometimes very sore. However, with this scrub (and yes it does have beads) I haven't found that happens. My skin is left feeling silky soft, refreshed and looking brand new! Also, the beads don't really seem to irritate my skin in any way, sure I can feel them on my skin as I massage the scrub on my face but once I get out the shower my face isn't red at all (and if it is, it's always from the steam of the shower) or sore.

The scrub or cream, what ever you want to call it because in all honesty it is a bit of both, is very thick and creamy. Due to this you never really need to use copious amounts to get the desired affect of the product. I usually use a small squeeze and that is plenty for me. From that small amount I can roughly part it into 3 parts and separate them onto my face (cheeks and forehead) before gently rubbing each part into my skin. I find that with the product being so thick and creamy that I can do this so easily where as with other products I find it really difficult to control where it goes on my face.

After rubbing the cream into my skin (trying to keep it away from the sensitive skin around my eyes) all I do is wash it off. It is that simple! You don't need to rub it off your face because as soon as the cream comes into contact with water it dissolves. It's so quick and easy to use and I love how fresh my skin is after I've used it. I even got one of my friends hooked and she absolutely hates products with beads in but she loves this! Of course you do need to be a tad gentle due to the beads but so far my (over) sensitive skin hasn't had any problem, no matter how hard a rub this into my skin.

Although on the back of the cream it does say to use the whole Clinique 3-Step Skin Care after using it I really find this to be too much product to put on my face at one time. So, due to this I usually skip out step 1 (cleanse) and just follow up with the last two (exfoliate and moisturise). This probably highlights my laziness but to be honest I don't find it makes too much difference to my skin. Plus I usually have a shower before I go to bed so I'm not too fussed about how my skin is looking, as long as it feels nice and fresh and doesn't seem to be too red I'm fine with skipping out step 1.

So, although there are plenty of beads in this product that could affect my skin I wouldn't have it any other way. I've had no problems so far (and I've been using the scrub for over 6months now) and I absolutely love how my skin feels and looks when I step out the shower. I have nothing bad to say about it apart from my need for a supersize bottle.

Until next time, Emily xoxo

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