Colgate MaxWhite ONE

by - Sunday, March 02, 2014

This is a bit of a different beauty post because it's about toothpaste. We all know that we need to keep our teeth healthy and clean otherwise we have to endure the multiple visits to the dentist (not my cup of tea). So while looking for my normal toothpaste I found this one, the Colgate MaxWhite ONE and thought to myself, why not? It's Colgate which is the preferred toothpaste of dentists (especially mine), it cleans them, it's mint flavour and it has the added bonus of whitening your teeth.

I've been using this for a month and a bit now and I have noticed my teeth are a bit whiter. I've also noticed that I don't have as much tartar building up on the backs of my teeth. I really hate tartar as it usually just pops up one day without me noticing and it then very difficult to get rid of again, so this bonus was definitely a big factor to me purchasing the toothpaste.

As stated on the packaging, continued use will help keep your teeth whiter in the long run, which does seem quite obvious. The only things that are also stated is that you brush 3 times daily (what!? I'm sorry but that's not going to happen for me. I do not carry a toothbrush round with me and I never see women brushing their teeth after lunch) and to never swallow the toothpaste. I treat this toothpaste like the dentist treats fluoride (which is an active ingredient in the paste). You sit with the lovely (not really) tasting liquid rubbed on your teeth for a few minutes and then rinse out. The main reason for not swallowing fluoride is that it can be harmful to you, but only in large dosses.

Anyway, I have noticed a difference in my teeth since using the product but I would like to say one thing. After seeing my dentist for a checkup a few weeks ago I am no longer using this as my main toothpaste. I now use it only in the mornings and use regular Colgate at night. The reason for this is that my dentist, who agreed that the benefits are great, said that if you use it everyday for a prolonged period of time the enamel on your teeth can start to break down. Enamel helps protect your teeth from  suffering from tooth decay (not something we want to happen to us at any age).

So yes, this toothpaste is great and the benefits (whiter teeth and less tartar) are awesome but if you are going to start using a whitening toothpaste or are using one, try to use it only once a day at most. Although this will make the process of whitening slightly longer, your teeth will thank you for it.

Until next time, Emily xoxo 

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