My 4 Steps to Buying New Makeup

by - Friday, February 07, 2014

Buying new makeup can be a bit daunting but extremely fun at the same time. You want something that fits your skin tone and sometimes that can be difficult but you also want something that is beneficial for you skin too! So here is my guide to buying new makeup:

1. Research.
As with most things in life, research can help heaps! You can make a list of things you are interested in and after a little research you can narrow that list down to some potential buys. Things to look for are various colours - make sure there is something in the collection that could/will match your skin tone or a colour you particularly like; benefits to the makeup - what does it do to your skin when applied and do you need it? Does your skin need to look brighter? Does it need a hydration boost? Keep these in mind and you can be sure to be looking at some products that you will fall in love with.

2. Try before you buy.
Here's the fun bit, try before you buy - pretty straight foreword. Don't have your list in hand and then choose the one that 'speaks to you'. If your products are sold in a department store gradually go to each counter over the course of a week or two and ask to try the products - the people there will gladly help you and will even match up colours and talk you through the products and maybe even show you something better and more suited for your skin type. When you've sat and had the products applied make sure to leave them on for the rest of the day - see how they work/affect your skin. Do they make your skin brighter or darker? Does your skin go blotchy and red or stay clean and refreshed? By doing this you can easily eliminate more products off your list!

3. Choose Me!
Now comes the hard bit, choosing which products you will go out and buy. If you're like me you will still have a few products left on your list and choosing between them can be difficult. Now you've tried and tested them all you are more than likely wanting them all but wait. You don't want to go on a makeup shopping spree - it can be expensive! Look at your list and choose what you really need and then one or two other items that you are interested in. Try not to end up with 3 of a similar product (e.g. 3 foundations) - try to mix it up (e.g. 1 foundation, a mascara and some eyeshadow). Mixing it up can be great because you can easily drop those items into your makeup routine and have a completely new look!

4. Buy It!
Now you know exactly what you want go and get it! New makeup YAY!

So there are my tips of buying new makeup products. I hope they will help you in your future makeup shopping sprees!

Until next time, Emily xoxo

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