One Direction Concert(s): Melbourne 2013

by - Saturday, November 02, 2013

Yep, it happened. I went to see One Direction... twice. After purchasing my tickets last year and then receiving them in July, to say I was sick of waiting was an understatement. I went two nights in a row - not on purpose. New tickets went on sale a week before the concerts and one of my friends really wanted to go so... well, you know what happened.

A few things to note before going into this review, I am a 'Directioner'... at the lovely age of 21 and I don't really care. A few of my friends make fun of me because I like them but hey, I like their music. The reason I'm saying this is because I may be a tad bias... being a fan and all. Right then, onto the review. *cue the screams*

Getting to the arena - Rod Laver - was an experience, a multitude of limos in black and pink blaring One Direction music, hearing girls screaming from close to 2kms away, the songs playing from girls phones. I had never experienced that sort of madness for a concert ever! Before even entering the arena I knew it was going to be crazy and then finally sitting in my seat the only thought going through my head was "I'm going to go deaf".

First up was 5 Seconds of Summer, I had heard of the Sydney based band but never listened to their songs so while I was sitting in my seat attempting to hear the words, girls all around my friend and I were screaming their hearts out. After 5SOS had been on stage for about 30min the lights came back on and you could feel the buzz in the arena. Everyone was pumped. We had all been waiting way too long for this.

The lights go dark. *cover my ears*. The screams are deafening! How the boys aren't deaf already I don't know.

Out they come and within a second they are starting. Up All Night starts the show while Best Song Ever ends it. After jumping around, being 10 seats away from all the boys the first night and 2 the second, screaming and smiling, watching my friends go mental because 'Niall waved at them' and finally experiencing what has to of been one of the best concert experiences of my life - not only the music but the energy from the crowd made both nights amazing.

The boys had smiles on their faces the whole time, they obviously love what they do and don't seem to worry that you can hardly hear the music over the screams. As long as their fans are happy, they are too.

Along with the music was their usual antics: making jokes, Twitter questions, talking and waving to the audience (making the girls go wild). A group of 10 was in the front row which lead to Harry (jokingly) complaining that "this is why my mum couldn't come".

If you didn't get a chance to go to the Take Me Home tour, don't worry Directioners! I am sure you'll get tickets for their new world tour and then you can experience the mayhem, fun and overall hilarity of a One Direction concert too!

Until next time, Emily xoxo

Please note, all photos taken on an iPhone so please excuse poor quality.

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