The Mistborn Trilogy

by - Monday, May 22, 2017

I went into this series not really knowing what to expect. I'd heard great things from fellow bloggers and YouTubers so I had some pretty high expectations - I was not disappointed!

Mistborn The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
Pages: 541

Mistborn: The Well of Ascension
Pages: 590

Mistborn: The Hero of Ages
Pages: 572
Source: Gift


The Dark Lord has won, the world has fallen apart. Follow a group of rebels as they try to bring down the power-hungry and controlling Lord Ruler who has ruled for nearly a thousand years! With elemental magic on the rebels side, everything seems to be going well. That is until the old gods decide to awaken and claim the world as theirs.

The Short

I went into this series expecting the magic to be... well magic. It was in one sense but it was no Harry Potter. This magic was intricate and dangerous and mysterious and I loved this 'new' take on the magical theme. Book One was fun and I would say a bit fluffy - there was a key romance I was loving and couldn't wait to get to the chapters it was focused on. Book Two was very political and I found it a bit of a drainer, but towards the end, it picked up as the battles ensued and that plot twist was revealed. Book Three was epic. It was so fast paced and jam packed full of action and although I was a little disappointed with the ending and found one of the characters to complain far too much, I really enjoyed it.

The Long

This series was great but I did have my faults. Book One I loved and would re-read in a heart beat, to be honest, I would re-read the whole series... But, I feel like Book Two let me down a bit. Due to what happened in The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension was so politically based that occasionally I dreaded picking it up. Of course, it was interesting to learn the intricacies of Scadrial but sometimes it was so overwhelming and it seemed to make the plot drag a bit too much. However, there was some relief especially when Vin met up with a certain Allomancer and the plot twist towards the end... I had to put the book down for a while because I couldn't believe how good it was. I still can't believe how good it was. 

Book 3, The Hero of Ages was a good ending all up but again, I had faults. This was mainly due to one particular character turning away from everything they were in Book 1 and 2 and then complaining and moping the whole way through the last book. I know something bad happened to them but it just seemed too out of character for that person. I was also slightly disappointed with the ending, perhaps this was due to me wanting the two main characters to live happily ever after. However, I shouldn't fault it too much, it was an amazing send off to the series and although I didn't get what I wanted, Sanderson still brought back colour to a world that only saw grey. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this series but I did have some faults. That being said I would love to delve into more of Sanderson's' books set in Scadrial because the magic and the world building was just amazing!

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